The user interacts with Quadrix solely with the keyboard. The keyboard controls have been chosen to make gameplay intuitive and easy to master.
The directional keys are WASD and control movement of tetriminos as well as increased fall speed. Quadrix is intuitive because it accommodates each well with a separate set of controls. This makes movement more natural as it takes into account the four different gameboard perspectives in Quadrix - north, south, east, and west - and simulates what we call “true directional movement”. In simpler terms, the directional keys will do what you expect given a certain board orientation.
South Well
- D - move right
- A - move left
- S - drop faster
East Well
- D - drop faster
- W - move up
- S - move down
North Well
- D - move right
- A - move left
- W - drop faster
West Well
- W - move up
- A - drop faster
- S - move down
All Wells
- Spacebar - rotate tetrimino
- ESC - pause/unpause game
- 1 - activate multiplier power-up
- 2 - activate slow fall power-up
- 3 - activate mercy power-up
- “P” - reset game/start new game
- Enter - start game