Game-space and Tetrominoes
The playable space of Quadrix is shaped like a large plus (+) symbol. Each of the four segments of the plus is called a well. At the beginning of the game, all four wells are empty. Once the game begins a block called a tetromino will spawn in the center of the space and move toward one of the four wells. Once this tetromino reaches the bottom of the well it comes to rest there and will remain there as an extension of the bottom of the well. After this, tetrominoes will continue to spawn one at a time in this way and eventually begin to “pile up” in each well.
Clearing Lines
If multiple tetrominoes come to rest such that an entire line parallel to the bottom that well is full, that line is cleared. Once one or more lines are cleared, any remaining tetrominoes or pieces of tetrominoes in that well closer to the top relative to the cleared line(s) will move towards the bottom of that well a number of spaces equal to the number of lines cleared.
Points are awarded every time a tetromino comes to rest at the bottom of a well. Additional points are awarded whenever a line is cleared. Multiple lines cleared at one time awards even more points.
One power-up is awarded for every two lines that are cleared. Additional information regarding power-ups is given in the gameplay section of this document.
Pace of the Game
At the beginning of the game, tetrominoes approach the bottom of a well rather slowly. As lines are cleared the speed at which tetrominoes approach the bottom of a well increases gradually throughout the game.
Finishing the Game
The game ends when a tetromino spawns in a well that contains tetrominoes “piled up” to the top of that well such that there is insufficient space for that tetromino to spawn successfully.